Sharing Together

At Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, we provide the following church resources that invite our members to join together in fellowship, ministry and giving back to the community.

Friendship Ministry: Extending the Love of Christ from Friend to Friend

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”  Romans 12:15

Friendship Ministers are lay people who make themselves available as listening and supportive friends. They are present through visits, phone calls, conversations at church, at work and in the community. Relationships vary from a one-time visit to a few weeks, a few months or years. Confidentiality is a core component of this ministry. 

To learn how you can receive care from a Friendship Minister, call Nancy at 605-645-2723. The care you will receive is confidential and free.

For more information, please call the church office at 605-642-3715, 9:00-3:00, Monday thru Friday.

If you have an interest to be trained to support someone as a Friendship Minister, please contact Deacon Laura Campbell at 605-642-3715.

Ongoing enrichment happens in regular gatherings of the Friendship Ministry group held at the church on the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM.

Funeral Committee

The Funeral Committee is a ministry under the umbrella of WELCA at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.  This committee is comprised of one chairperson who contacts a representative from each of the three circles: Esther, Deborah, and Ruth Circles.  These ladies contact members of their respective circle and the members in the Martha Circle to help with the funeral meal by volunteering to prepare and serve the meal, and/or clean up after the meal.  If the contacted individuals are unable to help the day of the funeral, they are asked to furnish a salad or dessert to go with the main meal. There is also a Sandwich Committee associated with the Funeral Committee. They make sandwiches not only for funerals but also Lenten lunches and as requested by other groups.

Among the many ways we care for one another as a church family, hospitality in times of grief is chief among them.  We welcome all women with a heart for this type of hospitality.  Please contact Annette (AJ) Johnson at 605-641-2297 or email for more information about this vital ministry

Senior Ministry

Senior Ministry, for seniors 50 years of age and older, provides opportunities for fellowship and celebration within and outside of the OSLC congregation.  Five specific gatherings are offered over the course of a year: a BINGO afternoon, a May Day Celebration, a June picnic with a chicken dinner, a fall outing to a nearby historical site, and a December Christmas Party.  Besides the fun and games, food is always served at these events.  Senior Ministry also sponsors a “Bless the Years” Sunday in August to honor members of the congregation who are 80 years of age or older.

All are welcome to participate in the scheduled events, which will be advertised in the monthly church newsletter, church bulletins, and/or flyers posted on the entry doors of the church.

New committee volunteers are encouraged and always welcome to become part of the Senior Ministry Committee. The committee meets on the third Monday of every month at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Volunteers are not limited to any age but should have a youthful, energetic heart!

Free Sunday Morning Transportation

Everyone is welcome to use the free Sunday morning transportation service.

Our friendly drivers will make your trip to and from church a fun part of your day!

This service is available for both the 8:30 & 10:45 am services.

Simply call the church office at 642-3715 by 2:00p on Friday afternoon to arrange your ride.  If you would like a standing order for rides every Sunday morning, let us know, and we will have you on the schedule.

DVDs of Worship Available

Sunday morning worship services are are available on DVD by request only. Service messages are also avaiable via our YouTube page OSLC Media Spearfish 

If you are homebound on Sunday mornings and would like to have a DVD and a bulletin of worship delivered to you each week, please call the church office (642-3715).

Lutheran Campus Ministry

God is at work through Lutheran Campus Ministry at Black Hills State University as we build community, deepen faith, expand minds and inspire service. There are a couple aspects of this ministry in which we could use your help: 1. Spreading the word and 2. Giving support

Please tell the students in your lives who will attend BHSU that there is a welcoming community eager to connect. Tell them about our gatherings for meals and worship, service opportunities, and community engagement. 

Please support us! Pray for us. We have an amazing opportunity to share the good news of Christ with these students and would love your prayers as we take it. We could also use some help feeding these hungry college students. These meals are one of our greatest vehicles for building strong relationships.  

With thanks,

Lutheran Campus Ministry

Manna Meals

“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life.  Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’”  John 6:35

Thanks to the hard work of a small group of people, homemade freezer meals are available to be shared with a family in need.  Look on the bottom shelf of the freezer in the OSLC kitchen to find a delicious, healthy dinner to deliver to a family or individual who would welcome a hot meal during a time of illness, loss, birth of a baby, etc.  Sharing a Manna Meal with someone in need is sharing the love of God with our neighbors.

Manna Meals are fully cooked and ready to reheat and serve.  The ingredients and heating instructions are clearly marked on each meal.  There is no cost for the meal, but a donation to the Manna Meal fund would be welcomed.  A Thrivent Financial Action Team Grant provided the initial funding for this effort.

All are invited to prepare Manna Meals.  For more information, contact the church office at 605-642-3715.


Conversations with pastoral staff are always available by appointment.  Please call the church at 605-642-3715.  Counseling referrals may be made to the following agencies or others.

Lutheran Social Services
2920 Sheridan Lake Road
Rapid City, SD 57702


Susan Terveen
Spearfish Counseling Services

1320 North Ave.
Spearfish, SD 57783

Lisa Kautzman CNP, RN, QMHP
Behavior Management Systems

623 Dahl Road
Spearfish, SD 57783


The quilters of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church work tirelessly to bring the warmth of God’s love to anyone who wants to wrap up in a handmade quilt.  Each year, a small team of committed individuals create quilts of all sizes to be distributed to comfort those in need.  Some are given to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation; some are donated to Lutheran World Relief to end up in the arms of people experiencing great need in many parts of the world.

In addition to gifting quilts to those in need, the quilters also give monetary donations from the sale of quilts.  These cash contributions allow the quilters to support a wide variety of local and regional ministries.

How can you help?

Contribute:  Donate printed or flannel sheets that are used for backing the quilts.  Donate blankets, mattress pads, and non-working electric blankets that are used to line the quilts.  Donate Sturgis Rally t-shirts to the quilters who will create the highly acclaimed Sturgis Rally quilt.  Please deliver any contributions to the church office during office hours (Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM).

Purchase:  Buy a quilt to support the cash contributions of the quilters.  Quilts that are available: Regular (60” x 80”), $50-$70, Baby Quilts (36" x 48"), $30-$40, Lap Robes (40" x 60"), $40-$50, Denim Quilts (60" x 80"), $70.00, Christmas Quilts (60" x 80"), $60, Christmas Lap Robes (40" x 60"), $45. Value Added Quilts are priced individually. Please stop in the church office to inquire.

Join: The group meets every Tuesday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 AM in the OSLC Quad in the basement.  No sewing experience is necessary; there are many jobs available.

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Quilters’ Summary 2018

Prayer Shawl Ministry

“I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.” Ephesians 1:16

The Yarn Ministry members create prayer shawls using their talent of knitting.  The Prayer Shawl Ministry of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church extends the warmth and comfort of a prayer shawl to anyone in a time of need: those who are grieving or ill, lonely or homebound.  We invite you to request a prayer shawl for someone in need by coming to the church office.  There is no cost for prayer shawls; although, your donations would be accepted to offset the cost of yarn.

As each shawl is knit, the person making the shawl and the whole Prayer Shawl Ministry group lift up prayers for the recipient of the shawl.  The prayer shawl becomes a tangible representation of God’s love and care for all.  

Everyone is welcome to join the Prayer Shawl Ministry.  The group meets every Monday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 PM in the OSLC Fellowship Hall.


How many Lutheran men does it take to fill a dumpster?

How many Lutheran men does it take to change a light bulb?

How many Lutheran men does it take to use a rake, hammer, or broom?

The building and the grounds of OSLC are in great shape due to these handy volunteers.

Come to OSLC on Tuesdays between 8:00 and 10:00 AM to find out the answers.  Be prepared to share laughs and drink coffee.  All are welcome regardless of fix-it skills.


“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Genesis 2:15

Litter cleanup is a small way to take care of the earth.  Through South Dakota’s Adopt-A-Highway program, each spring and fall a group of OSLC volunteers cleanup trash along a two-mile section of I-90 near Spearfish, working roughly one to one-and-a-half hours.  Bags and vests are provided by the SD DOT; all persons age 18 and over are most welcome to help.  For more information, please contact the church office at 605-642-3715.

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (WELCA)

WELCA Purpose Statement:  As a community created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing, wholeness, in the church, the society, and the world.

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Specific events in the yearly WELCA calendar consist of the following meetings: in January, the General meeting; in March, the World Day of Prayer, which rotates through the various churches in Spearfish; in April, the Spring Prayer Brunch & General Meeting, and the WELCA Spring Gathering; in June, the WELCA Synodical Convention; in September, the Fall Retreat and Workshop at Outlaw Ranch, and the General Meeting with the election of new officers; in November, the Thank Offering/Quilt Sunday; and in December, Julefest, which is a Scandinavian-influenced Christmas Bazaar that is the main fundraising event for WELCA at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.  The money received from Julefest is dispersed to various missions in Spearfish, in South Dakota and other states, and in the world. 

WELCA is thankful for the continued support given to the following world missions:         

            Deborah Circle sponsored Personal Care Kits in January/February

            Esther Circle sponsored Baby Care Kits in May/June

            Ruth Circle sponsored School Kits in July/August

These kits are shipped to Lutheran World Relief in Minneapolis/St. Paul, and from there, they are shipped to countries around the world.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministers – Pray with individuals on request.  They also pray for the mission and ministry of Our Savior's Lutheran Church and for people on the prayer list.  If you would like a prayer minister to pray with you--by phone, email, or text--please contact Helen Merriman at

Prayer Chain – Send prayer requests to If you would like to be a member of the Prayer Chain group to receive email prayer requests, please send your email address to

Worship Bulletin Prayer List – Call the church office (642-3715) with the name you would like listed.

Service of Prayer for Wholeness and Healing - Held quarterly on Wednesday Evening.

Centering Prayer - Gathers weekly during Lent from 12:15 pm – 12:45 pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Laura at