Weekly Update
Feb 23 Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Sun.: 8:30 AM Worship Service
9:45 AM Education Hour
10:45 AM Joyful Journey-led Worship Service
3:00 PM Bear Butte Conference Assembly @ South Canyon Lutheran Church, Rapid City
~ Visit our YouTube page to watch past service messages and live streamed service at 8:30 a.m. each Sunday morning. Please click on the "red arrow" above, or OSLC Spearfish YouTube.
Mon.: 1:00 PM Yarn Ministry
6:00 PM Good Shepherd Clinic
Tues.: 8:30 AM Fix-It Crew
9:00 AM Quilting
2:00 PM Two on Tuesdays Women's Bible Study
6:30 PM Marthas Gathering Women's Evening Bible Study
6:30 PM Friendship Ministry in the Conference Room
7:00 PM Young Adults Bible Study @ The Living Room
Wed.: 10:45 AM Edgewood Vista Communion Service
5:15 PM Bell Choir
5:15 PM Confirmation
5:16 PM Wednesday Supper
5:40 PM Wednesday School
6:26 PM Wednesday Word
7:00 PM Senior Choir
7:10 PM High School Youth @ The Living Room
Thurs.: 12:00 PM Lunch @ The Living Room
12:30 PM Quilting
6:30 PM Book Talk
Fri.: 6:00 AM Christian Business Men's Group at The Living Room
7:00 AM Good Shepherd Clinic Board Meeting
Mar 2 Transfiguration of Our Lord/Last Sunday after Epiphany
Sun.: 8:30 AM Worship Service
9:45 AM Education Hour
9:45 AM PASS Class
10:45 AM Joyful Journey-led Worship Service
~ Visit our YouTube page to watch past service messages and live streamed service at 8:30 a.m. each Sunday morning. Please click on the "red arrow" above, or OSLC Spearfish YouTube
Tuesdays - March 11, 18, 25; April 1, 8, 15
Please join us during lent on Tuesdays from 12:15-12:45 pm in the sanctuary at Our Savior's Lutheran Church.
Centering Prayer is a form of contemplative prayer--the opening of mind and heart--to God. Come relax and experience this 20-minute meditative prayer form.
Questions? Contact Deacon Laura @ 642-3715 or oslc1@rushmore.com
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George and Julia Vansco have been named our OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEERS OF THE QUARTER!
George and Julia joined West River RSVP+ in 2020. During their almost 5 years of service, they have collectively provided more than 3,000 hours of volunteer service to their community. George and Julia are both very active at the Spearfish Food Pantry. They are a constant staple at the pantry and do a number of different jobs to keep it up and running. George is a board member at the pantry and oversees 12 churches and over 100 volunteers. Both George and Julia also help organize and volunteer with Feeding South Dakota's Mobile Food Pantry. George also volunteers as a crossing guard at Creekside Elementary, and Julia is a quilter with Our Savior's Lutheran Church.
We are truly grateful for all George and Julia have done for their community through volunteering, and are very honored to recognize them as our VOLUNTEERS OF THE QUARTER! Thank you for all that you do!
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Food needs for February: Diced Tomatoes, Hamburger Helper, Tomato Sauce, Pork 'n Beans, Canned Ravioli, Applesauce.
Money donations are always appreciated!
Donations can be sent to: Spearfish Community Food Pantry, 131 Yankee St., Spearfish, SD 57783.
UPDATE 2/20/25
By Stacey Nalean-Carlson (Contributor)...
God brings new life in unexpected ways and in the most unlikely situations. This devotional reflects on how God does this in the creation of all things, the Israelites' rescue from slavery in Egypt, the dry bones and Ezekiel, the fiery furnace, the big fish and Jonah, and more.
Life Renewed provides devotions for each day from Ash Wednesday to the Resurrection of Our Lord/Vigil of Easter (March 5 to April 19, 2025). The devotions begin with evocative images and brief scripture readings drawn from traditional Easter Vigil texts. The writers then bring their diverse voices and pastoral wisdom to the texts with quotations to ponder, reflections, and prayers.
These Lenten devotional booklets are available for pick-up on the Ushers' counters near the sanctuary doors at Our Savior's. We hope you'll grab one for your household!
Electronic copies are available for purchase for the Kindle, Nook, or through Google play. Follow this link, choose your format, purchase a copy for your preferred reading app/device.
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If you're worshipping with us on-line, we'd like to extend to you an invitation to participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion with us during our live-stream. Here's How:
Before the service, simply prepare elements for communion to have ready...perhaps some bread from the pantry, or some crackers, as well as a small amount of wine or grape juice poured into individual small glasses or cups. Have these set aside for when the service begins. When the words of institution are proclaimed over the bread and wine on the altar, know that those words and the promise they bear ("given and shed FOR YOU") are proclaimed and prayed over the elements in your home. If you are worshipping alone in your home, commune yourself with us. If there are two or more of you gathered in front of the screen, commune each other with the same words:"The body of Christ, given for you. The blood of Christ, shed for you." If there are young children with you, mark the sign of the cross on their foreheads and remind them that Jesus loves them and forgives them all of their sins. As you share the meal, be assured that you're sharing it with all of those physically gathered, as well as with others gathering with you on-line. We pray this opportunity will be a strength and comfort to you, as you receive Jesus' presence through the sacrament.
Pastor Stephan Sandness
Our Mission
Inspired by God’s grace, we open our hearts to all in faith, prayer, fellowship, and service through Jesus Christ.
School Year Worship Schedule |
(Sunday after Labor Day to Sunday before Memorial Day Weekend) |
Sunday Mornings |
8:30 AM |
Worship Service |
10:45 AM |
Joyful Journey-led Worship Service |
Wednesday Evenings |
6:26 PM |
Wednesday Word |
(Half-hour service of Word and Sacrament) |
Summer Worship Schedule |
(Sunday before Memorial Day to Sunday before Labor Day) |
Sunday Mornings |
9:00 AM |
Worship (blending liturgical forms with modern sounds) |
Wednesday Evenings |
6:26 PM |
Wednesday Word |
(Half-hour service of Word and Sacrament) |
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper at all of our Worship Services, unless otherwise noted. All who believe in Jesus Christ are welcome to the table.
Ministry Staff
Stephan Sandness
Senior Pastor
Laura Lee Campbell
Chris Blain
Lay Minister of Youth
Contact US
1020 State St.
Spearfish, SD 57783
(605) 642-3715 - Office
(605) 722-0660 - Kitchen/Quilters
(605) 722-9406
Good Shepherd Clinic Spearfish
Artemis House (domestic violence shelter)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
South Dakota Synod of the ELCA
Lutheran Campus Ministry at Black Hills State University
Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota
Lutheran Social Services in South Dakota
Northern Hills Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Pine Ridge Reconciliation Center
St. Dysmas Prison Ministry in South Dakota